Monday, May 10, 2010

The Giver - character relationships

Goal: Analyze relationships between and among characters
Jonas remarks that loving another person must have been a dangerous way to live. Consider the relationship between Jonas and his family, his friends Asher and Fiona and the Giver. Some of these relationships are dangerous. Perhaps the most dangerous is that between Jonas and the Giver – the one relationship built on love. Why is that relationship dangerous and what does the danger suggest about the nature of love? Your answer should be supported by the text.
Please click on the comments link, respond to this prompt, read the other students' comments, and reply to one of your classmates' comments. Each posting and classmate response should be at least 10 sentences. In your responses to your classmates, consider whether you agree or disagree to this posting and explain why.


  1. The relationship is dangerous because of many reasons! One of them is that if you become very close to someone, you start sharing a common bond with them. If they don’t agree with you about how you feel, then it just ruins everything! If they told you that, you are likely to become very upset. It would ruin there love, and they would probably not want to love somebody again! Also, if you asked someone if they loved you, like in The Giver, and they gave you a weird look or said something mean to you, you wouldn’t be to happy with it. Then you would have a whole other way that you think what love is! I think that in Jonas’s society, love is an awkward word for the community! People don’t say that word at all, but if they do it is very rare. That is my reasoning about love in Jonas’s society!

  2. I think there are many dangers involved with love connections in Jonas’s community. First of all, relationships based on love between him and his family unit and his friends are dangerous because they don’t, or are unable to love him back. If this happens, they won’t know why he would be acting in a loving way such as asking if his parents loved him, as stated in the novel. Also, his friends haven’t experienced the feeling, so they couldn’t respond in a loving way. In the book, the person he loves the most is the Giver. If they loved each other, in which they are both capable of doing, it could become dangerous. One thing that could happen would be that Jonas might get emotionally attached to the Giver, so when he gets released, Jonas will feel a great deal of grief and anguish. Also, it may be hard to be away from each other if they are separated. It may even cause passing harmful memories to Jonas to slow, because he doesn’t want Jonas to feel pain. Those are some of my reasons why I think love is very dangerous throughout the community.

  3. Loving someone could be a dangerous way to live. In Jonas’s community, only the Giver and Jonas have really experienced what love is. Everyone else in the community is clueless on what the feeling is like. So even though Jonas may love his family members and friends, but unfortunately the feeling is not mutual. But the Love between The Giver and Jonas is real! So this results in the love between them becoming very strong. I think Jonas might become too attached to the Giver and when it is time for him to be released Jonas will be filled with grief. This can also become dangerous in a way that as the Givers duty he needs to give Jonas all of the memories, which means good memories, bad memories, and painful memories. Usually when you love someone you do not want to cause them pain, so in my mind I think that the giver may start to love Jonas so much that he will refuse to give him bad memories which might be bad. These are some of the dangers of love between Jonas and the Giver.

  4. I think personally thatloving another person in jonas’s society is dangerous. I state my reasoning because jonas got the memorys and his friends and family doesn’t. Also since they didn’t get the memory Jonas might love them but they might not love him back just like at the dinner table. Also I agree that out of them all Jonas loves the giver. Also the giver is giving Jonas the memorys so once he gave them all to jonas he will be realease. A release is where they take you and murder you from the society. Another thing is once Jonas knows the Givers been released, he will have a great thing of sorrow and then he will really know what pain is. Also it does not speak of love of nature. I reckoned this because if it was from nature everyone would feel love not just the Giver and Jonas. Also Jonas and his friends might not love eachother anymore because they don’t have the memory. That’s why I think its not safe to have love in Jonas’s society.

  5. I think the relationships in Jonas’s community are dangerous for a variety of different reasons. Jonas and the Giver are very close and they know about love. Love can be harmed by arguments and disagreements. Such things can make Jonas or the Giver upset. I believe that Jonas is harmed when he is the only one feeling love toward another person, such as friends and family. When Jonas asked his parents if they loved him they looked at him and chuckled. After that, they gave Jonas some advice by telling him to say stuff like “Do you enjoy me?” Jonas took it kind of hard because he thought they might know what love is, but they didn’t and the others in the community probably don’t either. The Giver and Jonas’s love is so strong. When the Giver gives Jonas painful or sorrowful memories I think there love is harmed. The reason I think this is because the Giver is also in pain while giving a bad memory to Jonas because the Giver loves him so much that it hurts him to watch Jonas in pain. Those are some of the dangers in the community having to do with love.

  6. I think love can be a dangerous thing depending on how you look at it. When you go to funerals for a family member, you love them deeply, and it’s sad to see them pass. Soon, when Jonas sees the Giver’s time to be releases, since they share love, he will probably have the same reaction. If everyone in the community had the chance to experience love, chaos will happen. With everyone having those feelings, if two people love each other, and one person also loves one of the people, murder and betrayal can occur. Also, the relationships in the community, in my eyes, are also unhealthy. As we discussed before, without true love, we are all basically in a sense, friends. We can have the friendship bond with people, but nothing more. In doing this the community makes sure things like cheating, heartbroken sorrow, murder, and betrayal do not ever happen.

  7. I agree with Michael on this subject. When Jonas asked his parents if they loved him, they did not understand the real concept of love as Jonas was previously enlightened on by the Giver. If his parents actually knew the concept of the word, I’m sure they would say yes. If whoever created the “no love” rule hadn’t created it, everything would be different. People would choose their own partners, and maybe, some people were “loners” in a since, and they did not want a partner. Then someone in their age group would have to live without a partner. Love is a dangerous thing. I think it was smart but also foolish of them to get rid of love.

  8. I think that the relationships in Jonas' where love is present are not very dangerous. People in Jonas' community barely know what love is, so how could it be dangerous? If you love someone so much, and have a close bond with them nothing can easily ruin that relationship. Relationships are built up on trust, and in his community you may NOT lie. So, trust is an easy thing to build a relationship and nothing can break it if there is no lying. Love can be dangerous, in my opinion, only in very few situations. If the person you love does not love you back. If you are having a fight with someone you love, and various other reasons. Jonas lives in a lie-free community, though, so there will most likely never be fights. Jonas’ community is all about telling your feelings, and when you understand that so much you will have good relationships. Jonas and the giver have a strong relationship, and are very close. That relationship will be hard to break because Jonas is receiving the memories of the giver and knows the same emotions. Once again, I don’t think that relationships with love can be dangerous in The Giver.

  9. In my personal opinion, I think love is Jonas’s community is a bad idea. Since The Giver and Jonas are the only ones that understand what love is, no one else knows what Jonas and The Giver are feeling. If Jonas loves his family members, and or his friends, they wont be able to love him back. Jonas could be expressing all these feelings and emotions to his family members, and they wouldn’t be able to express them back. Then Jonas would feel like no body cares for him. Since The Giver and Jonas are the only ones experiencing the true feeling of love, their love for each other will grow stronger. But if Jonas gets too attached to The Giver, when his training is over and its time for The Giver to be released, he will feel love for The Giver and won’t want him to go. Another factor is, since Jonas isn’t taking his pills to control his stirrings, he feelings will be even stronger. Its kind of good that they don’t have love because then people would experience the feelings that Jonas will feel when The Giver is being released though. Those are just a few reasons that I believe not having love in Jonas’s community is a good thing.

  10. I agree with anna that love in Jonas's community is a bad descision. Also I also agree when she says that the giver and Jonas are the only ones that understand love. I say this because the giver and jonas can love their friends, but they cant love them. Also I agree again when Jonas would feel that nobody cares about him. The example of this is when Jonas asked his parents if they loved him and all they said is you didnt use the right word. I'm all with anna when she said that the love for jonas and the giver is big. the reason I agree on this is they are the only one that knows what love truly is, so once the givers released jonas will be sad and not want the giver to go. Like she said to jonas isnt taking his pills so the love and desire for the giver will be way stronger. I disagree when she said that its a good reason love isnt in jonas's community because you have to think about what the world would be alike without love. Those are my agrees and disagrees on anna's blog.

  11. I think there are many dangers involving love in the community that Jonas lives in. One reason why I feel this way is because if he loves someone they aren’t able to love him back because they don’t have the memory of love. The only two people in the community that know what love is are Jonas and the Giver. If the Giver was to be released and everyone knew what love was, there would be chaos everywhere. Also if love was to occur in the community and two people didn’t love each other anymore, there could be giant fights and people could die. For example, if two people loved each other in the community, someone else could like the same person. When this happens, they fight over who gets who and it all just becomes chaos. Also if there was too much love in the community people could go overboard and take it to the next step. Then they break up and there would no longer be love between the two people again. Also if the girl got pregnant and the guy left, there could be a fight about who has to take care of it. Those are the reason I think there shouldn’t be love in the community.

  12. I agree with Anna’s statement! I think that since Jonas isn’t taking his pills, then his love for people will grow stronger. Since he threw out his pills his stirrings came back. I also noticed that he thought a lot about how much he loves Fiona. That could be a bad situation if he said something to her that he shouldn’t be saying. That could lead to a lot of consequences. If he said something in front of an adult he could be chastised severely. So I really think that love in that way could be dangerous. That is why I agree with Anna’s statement.

  13. I agree with Mike and Emily on there responses. I agree when he says that his family and friends are unable or don’t love Jonas back. I say this because they don’t have the memory. For example when he asked his parents if they loved him they acted really weird like they didn’t know what he was talking about. Also they can’t respond because they have never had the feeling of love. Also I agree when he says that Jonas loves the Giver the most. If he gets emotionally attached to him and the Giver gets released, than Jonas will feel pain and misery. On my last point I agree with Emily when she says that the giver might start to love Jonas too much back and give him only the good memories. That is why I agree with them on there responses.

  14. A relationship built on love is considered dangerous because of the possible outcomes it has. The future is unsure, which the people in Jonas’s society don’t like. They are not capable of feeling love, like Jonas and the Giver can. Along with love, there is hurt. When you love someone, and they pass away or something goes wrong, you feel grief. Love is a strong word, like hate. Love is built on trust, and it is against the rules to tell a lie. If you don’t love someone and they love you, you would have no choice but to tell them the truth, otherwise you would be speaking a lie. Then that hurt they felt, it would turn into anger. Which then would turn into an actual fight, and that would cause a disturbance. People experience heartache, betrayal, hate, and grief with love, and the people of Jonas’s community don’t want that. Love is dangerous in their eyes.

  15. Since Jonas and the Giver are the only ones how can really love it would be hard and would have some dangers. For example, when Jonas asked his parents if they loved him, and they didn't really give him a good answer. What if Jonas got mad and started to tell them about the memories. His parents would be confused. Since Jonas stopped taking the pill he now has the feelings toward Fiona. That could be dangerous towards her because she can't feel the same way. In a way it's good though because Jonas and the Giver can feel what its like to have someone love you back. So half of that is not dangerous but the second part is. Jonas will be sad is the Giver is released and kind of heartbroken. The other people in the community will never feel that way. That is why I think love in the community is dangerous.

  16. There are some people who I agree on this statement. Jessica is one for example. She states all the feelings that come with love. If they have to take a pill to not love, what will happen if they had hate or anger. Their community would be ruined. Also i agree with Anna. She said something like Jonas would feel like no one cared for him. Which in my personal opinion, I think that is very true. It would be hard to be the only one who cares. No one would ever say I love you. Anna and Jessica are the people who I most agree with.

  17. I don‘t agree entirely with Anna. I don’t agree with how she says that Jonas would feel as if no one cares for him. I think that Jonas knows that they care deeply for him, but they don’t know exactly what they are feeling. Jonas and the Giver are the only ones who are even capable of experiencing love, and it will grow stronger with each day. Even if he didn’t love the Giver, he still would be unwilling to let him go, because then he would have no one who could help Jonas bear the memories. I think that the people in Jonas’s community don’t need to feel that pain and sorrow that Jonas will feel when the Giver is released, as Anna said. I think it’s sometimes good to feel differently about some people, instead of feeling the same way about everyone. It is like if you felt the same way about your family as you did the new child down the street. There would be nothing different, and it would be hard to care about everyone the same. That is how I agree and disagree with Anna’s opinion.

  18. I agree with a variety of people on this. One of the people I agree with is Rachel L. She really describes the dangers on love. Rachel gives a great example of Jonas not taking the pills. When Jonas isn’t taking the pills he loves someone. One of the people he loves is Fiona. However, Fiona doesn’t know that he loves her, and because of the pills she can’t love him back. As a result, he can be left heartbroken and upset. Also, she makes a good point about Jonas getting upset and telling his family about the memories that got passed onto him. Like Rachel said, Jonas’s parents may be confused and think Jonas is crazy. Those are the reasons why I agree with Rachel.

  19. I would have to agree with Brooke on this question. I agree with what she said about how love can be a dangerous thing. She mentioned that if Jonas or one of the people he loves gets sick or dies, you would feel grief and deep sorrow, as do we in our society. I also agree with her when she said that Jonas and the Giver have a special connection with each other, and if Jonas gets released then the Giver will feel as if he lost his own son. Also, I agree that there would be chaos if everyone in Jonas’s community experienced love, but over time things could change and people would learn to love without any danger involved. Even though there are no relationships in the community, which prevent emotional issues, I still think that it may not necessarily be a good thing. As Brooke said, it would prevent harmful emotions, so in the present time love could be dangerous. Finally I agree with how she said that they are all, in a sense, friends because of the loss of love. Although, I still think that the loss of love, even though apart from the current topic, can be good, as well as bad for certain reasons. That is why I agree with Brooke on mostly everything she said.

  20. The relationship between Jonas and the Giver is pretty much the only one in the community that is built on real love. This relationship is dangerous, though. It is dangerous because the when the Giver and Jonas feel love, they become really close, like close friends. When they aren’t around each other, they might feel that a part of them is missing and they won’t act the same. This relationship can also be dangerous because the same thing could happen to Jonas that happened to Rosemary, if the Giver ends up loving him as much as he did her. Then, Jonas would feel a lot of pain in the end, and there might not be anymore love at all. The Giver would probably feel guilty, too. After something like this, love doesn’t seem too nice anymore. This is why Jonas wants, but also doesn’t want love to exist in the community. This is also what makes the relationship between the Giver and Jonas so dangerous.

  21. The relationship between Jonas and the Giver can be very dangerous. Yes, it is built on love, but it is also built on trust. If Jonas can no longer the trust the Giver, he can no longer love the Giver. That would be a big problem. Jonas relies on the Giver to give him the training that he needs to contain the knowledge of the whole world. The Giver trains Jonas with love. He is careful not to hurt Jonas because he loves him. If that bond that they have breaks, he will give Jonas memories, but will not be gentle with them. It will ruin the love that they have, and they will both be very angry at each other. Jonas and the Giver are the only ones that understand this quality called love. When Jonas asked his parents if they loved him, they chastised him for improper use of the word love. They didn’t understand, therefore it would be very dangerous to have the quality of love in the community. The people of the community wouldn’t know what to do with it. Someone would say that they loved someone else, and that person wouldn’t feel the same way. Hearts would be broken, and the community would be very confused, and hopeless at surviving this incredible feeling.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The love connections between each other in the community can sometimes be dangerous. That is because everyone in the community besides Jonas and the Giver know what love is. It can be very powerful, or very destructive. The relationship between him and his family is not that dangerous. This is because they said that they clearly don’t love him, they “enjoy” him. The relationship between him and Asher may be dangerous. They are very good friends and they may share some kind of relationship but they just don’t know it. This is the same as Fiona. They are good friends and they may have a relationship of love. The relationship between Jonas and the Giver is very dangerous. This is because that their relationship with love is built on trust. This is the very strong kind of relationship. Love could be a very dangerous thing in the community. That is why they don’t have it.

  24. I agree with Danielle. She made very good points that are things I didn’t think about. As Danielle said the relationship between the Giver and Jonas is the only relationship that is built on real love. I agree with this. All the other people in the community take pills, and they never feel this way. They also aren’t aloud to get close to somebody. The parents don’t have the relationship of love. Danielle also stated that the Giver and Jonas might become so attached that they might feel that a part of them is missing when they are apart, and that they wouldn’t act the same. When you love somebody, you feel comfortable, safe, and secure when they around you. When the Giver leaves Jonas he might not want to be the Receiver anymore. He might not feel safe enough to make decisions on his own, because he feels uncomfortable with the situation without Giver. There would be no more love between Jonas and the Giver when the Giver is released. Jonas will have the memory of love, but will no longer feel it.

  25. I agree with Emily on this one. She is right when she says that everyone in the community is clueless on what love is. Jonas’s family even thought that the word was inappropriate! I also agree with her when she said that he loves his family and friends, but they do not love him back, so the relationship is not mutual. Also, she says that the love relationship between him and the giver is real love. This is correct. Mostly because they can feel love and actual feelings. This can be dangerous because of the reason Emily stated. It can be very dangerous. That is why I agree with Emily.

  26. Love is a unique thing, and I'm not sure if I can really decide how I feel about it. The world itself is dangerous with love; most people who do not experience said emotion feel like they're missing something. Of course, I think our society exaggerates love, but I don't think that love is an ordinary emotion, either. Someone can only feel love for someone/something if they really make a positive impact on them. You can't love someone without them loving you back. If someone were to do something to disconnect their relationship (i.e. death) they would experience serious hardship. Of course, there's not many ways love could be dangerous besides that. It's a positive emotion, so lack of it wouldn't necesarily make things worse, just less good, if that makes sense. If love were introduced to Jonas' community, I don't think it would go into chaos. Love is what stops chaos; chaos is created by pain and strife, which cannot exist without love. They're counteracting forces. I think that if Jonas lost some of his memories of things like war, the people in his community would be all, "Oh my god!" I wonder if people that have never experienced emotion, after being introduced to it, would think that love is worth existing for with pain, and I'm sure many of them would choose to commit to Sameness. Personally, I don't think love alone is worth existing for, but true happiness is. From experience, I don't think true happiness comes from love even though it may be necessary considering the social requirements of the human mind. So, I'm not exactly sure how I came across with this question, so I really don't know how to end this post. So, uh... yeah. That's it.

  27. On Emily’s response, I agree with everything she said. Like she said, the only people in the community that feel love are Jonas and The Giver. Jonas is giving off this feeling to other people in the community. The citizens in the community don’t know what love is. So they cannot show the feeling back. Also, like Emily said, since Jonas shows affection for The Giver, once it is time for The Giver to be released, Jonas will have great sorrow. He will not want him to die, because he loves him. Plus, Jonas needs to be concentrating on his training, receiving the memories. There are many other things in which I agree with Emily on. That is why having love in the community is a bad thing.

  28. Jonas’s relationship with his family is probably the least dangerous. Jonas loves his family, but his family doesn’t love him back. When Jonas’s parents told him they didn’t love him I think he stopped loving them so it isn’t a dangerous relationship. His relationship with Asher and Fiona is kind of dangerous. What I mean by that is, since Jonas stopped taking his pill his feelings came back for Fiona. I think Jonas truly loves Fiona. Asher is Jonas’s are best friend and they like each other. Jonas might love Asher as a friend I’m not that certain. What I am certain of is that Asher does not love Jonas he likes Jonas, but none of these relationships are built on love. Except Jonas and the Giver’s relationship is built on love. This is defiantly the most dangerous relationship. This relationship is dangerous because the giver loves Jonas and he doesn’t want to hurt him, but it is his job to give all the memories to Jonas. It is also dangerous, because now the Giver and Jonas are planning to go elsewhere. Jonas does not want leave the Giver, and the Giver knows Jonas could be killed. That’s why I think those relation ships are dangerous.

  29. I agree with nick. Nick is right about all the relationships between Jonas and his family, friends, and the Giver. If the community had love and other feelings it would be completely different book. I agree with nick on how he says love can be very powerful and destructive. If they didn’t know what love is and then all of a sudden they felt love is would turn in to utter chaos. When Jonas’s parents said the didn’t love Jonas they enjoyed him. That would probably get rid of any love between them really fast. I agree with nick on that statement. I agree with nick on what he says for Jonas’s relationship with Asher and Fiona. Asher and Jonas don’t know they have a relationship, but they have been friends for a long time. Jonas and Fiona might have a relationship with love and they too have been friends a long time. If the community had love and other feelings it would be like our community without being able to see color.

  30. Love in Jonas’ world is almost nothing. Being nothing in the community, it is everything to those who feel it. Jonas loves Fiona, Asher, and The Giver. It is a dangerous connection with Fiona and Asher because they can not feel the same way back, they know nothing of love. He couldn’t explain love even if he tried. Jonas’ feels alone. The Giver is his only source of solace. The Giver and Jonas have the strongest relationship out of all of them, and that is why it is dangerous. If anything were to happen to on of them, the other would be crushed and immediately alone again. And the same with the Giver. Jonas did not have love before receiving the memory of family and love, but now that he has it, he can’t live without it. Love is the most dangerous thing in that community.

  31. i agree with Josh, if there is anything on with his. I don't think the community would go into chaos if love was introduced into the community. I think it would benefit them, because like Josh said, love is the only thing that can conquer chaos. Another thing Josh said that i liked is that love really is an intense, important, thing. Even though our community does make it a bigger deal than it needs to be, it is so important. Love is the base of every life. If someone doesn't have any love in their life, than it is a hard life. They feel like they live without purpose. Nobody is there to give them support or care about them. They feel alone and almost lost. The way Jonas would feel without the Giver.

  32. I agree with Marc. He is right when he said that he loves his family, but they cant love him back. This is because his friends and family didn’t get the memory of love. This would mean that he loves the Giver because he knows that the Giver loves him back. I also agree with him when he says that Jonas loves him so much that when the Giver is releases, Jonas will feel a great feeling of sorrow. I also agree with Emma on this. I think she is right when she said that the love between Jonas and the Giver are probably harmed sometimes. This would happen when the Giver is giving Jonas a bad memory such as war. Like Emma said, not only does Jonas feel the pain, but so does the Giver. He feels this way because he feels bad when he gives Jonas those types of memories.

  33. The relationships Jonas has with everyone minus the Giver are not really loving. His parents are just there to parent in their minds, not to love. Yes, they support him through tough situations, but not exactly lovingly. He and Asher are just good friends. They aren't really close, but as close as they can get in the community. Jonas and Fiona are still just friends, but Jonas had been seeing her in a different light since he was off the pill. He was beginning to have feelings for her, which would be against the rules in the community. Finally, Jonas and the Giver's relationship is the only one I beleive to be a true relationship based on love. They both love each other, because they are the only ones who understand what real feeling is like. They can also trust eaach other, because they know what other things feel like (ex. love, pain, death). Because of all of this, I agree with the posting. This is because these people do not know what love is, but the Giver and Jonas do. This allows them to have a better relationship, they only one built on love in the book.

  34. I agree with Emma. All relationships in the Giver really are dangerous. I also beleive that she is right when she says that Jonas is only hurt by those he loves. But no one else can love back, so that hurts him in manny ways. The fact that his parents laughed when he asked is one example she used. It shows how he wanted them to tell him they loved him. But when they didn't, he was really sad and depressed about it. On the other hand, the Giver said he loved Jonas many times. You can only imagine how that made him feel. Probably the exacty opposite of how his parents made him feel. Also, as Emma said, when the Giver hurt Jonas, he became sad. This just shows how strong their relatonship really is.

  35. I can't pick a single comment to agree with, because none of them really have the same view as I do, but I don't disagree with them. In general, everyone said that love is all great and wonderful and all that fun stuff, which is really what I expected. I don't believe the relationship between the giver and Jonas to be true love; more of a mutal compassion due to the fact that they are the only ones who can feel, which has brought them together. Sort of like a parent-child relationship, where they may not always feel for each other because the parent takes responsibility for the child before they even know who they are. And like I said before, love in Jonas' community isn't a bad idea. It's not like they can't feel it just because they don't know what it is.

  36. I think the reason that love is so dangerous in the community is because the citizens do not understand it. Jonas's mother and father seemed rude to tell him off for asking about their love for him. I believe that they just didn't understand love, because in their community it is an unfamiliar term. Jonas's relationship with Fiona and Asher has been affected by love. He loves them both very much, but because they do not understand love, they cannot love him back. Love between Jonas and The Giver is also very dangerous, because of the fact that they both feel it. They both understand it. Because the rest of the community doesn't, they are at risk and pain. They mutually have the same feelings, which makes them more powerful then those who aren't aware of the deeper meaning of love.

  37. I agree with Jade. Love can be a common feeling in between people. If someone has a disagreement or difference, their love can be affected or altered. Jonas experiences this in his community. The difference between him and his friends is that they cannot experience love, and that separates him. The separation gives him a different view on love, and what it truly is. He’s been given a new way of looking at things. As Jade said, love is an awkward word for their community. It creates a wall between The Giver and Jonas, but not necessarily excluding them. It gives them more power. It gives them more awareness of the real world.

  38. I believe that love in Jonas’ community could be dangerous. Yet, love anywhere can be dangerous. Just because love is dangerous, doesn’t mean love shouldn’t exist. Let’s start with Jonas’ relationship with his family. Having love in their family unit could rove to be dangerous. I’m not saying that it wouldn’t have its ups though! Imagine being tucked in at night, by your mother or father, and them kissing you on the forehead, and saying “Goodnight, I love you.” It’s something Jonas and everyone else is really missing out on! It’s true, families get into fights, but 90% of the time, they make up! Next, take a look at Jonas’ relationships with his friends, Asher and Fiona. They have been friends for who knows how long! Of course if they had feelings they would love each other! They enjoy each others company, and want to be around each other. Those are key feelings in loving someone. Yet, I admit that friends on occasion get into fights, but its only for a little while. Even if they had gotten into a fight, it doesn’t mean they automatically stop caring for each other and don’t love each other anymore. Last, the Giver. He and Jonas’ relationship is one built on love, because they are, at this moment, the only two who feel such strong emotions. By saying this, you know that when Jonas leaves the community, he will miss the Giver, and vice-versa. This would be a dangerous thing, considering if it were anyone else, they would not feel this way, because they have never experienced such strong emotions. That is why I believe that love is dangerous, but it is most definitely in my mind, needed.

  39. I disagree with Anna’s response. I believe that even though it may prove to be dangerous, I think love in any community is needed. If they did have love in his community, then everyone would experience love for the first time, and realise how much they love everyone around them. So by this happening, Jonas would not feel unloved, in fact, quite the opposite. Also, it is true that when Jonas has to leave, or the Giver is released, that Jonas will miss him terribly, but it happens to the best of us. He will learn that the Giver had a good life, and now he will be missed, but remembered in great honor, as Jonas will most likely when his time comes. Also, with what Anna said about the stirrings, I both agree and disagree. It is true that Jonas will have stronger feelings for everyone by not taking his pill, but also everyone is will realize that the pill is no longer needed, because they have love now, and other strong emotions, and it is possible that they will find no real need for the pills also, just as Jonas had. This may lead to mistakes being made, whether there are actual sexual interactions, or just people being attrated to eachother, but we all make mistakes. (In my opinion, the council made a mistake when going to sameness.) So that is why I disagree with Anna, and believe that love in their community would not be as bad as everyone thinks.

  40. Like Josh, I cannot find one person to agree with. When I browsed down the page most everybody had the same answer; that love can be dangerous in their relationships. After reading through most of the comments I rest my case. I still believe that love is not dangerous, especially with rules like: You may not lie. Love and relationships are built on trust, and with no lying you can trust practically everyone. While reading some comments I completely disagreed. I think I defended my opinion well of saying that it is not dangerous, while many others I will have to say did too. I just disagreed. I don’t have much to say because I couldn’t agree with anyone, but I will continue on things I agreed and disagreed with. I agreed with John when he stated that Jonas and Asher are just good friends, and Jonas and his parents don’t love each other they support each other. I also agree with Danielle when she says that the only relationship Jonas has that is built on real love is with the giver. In general, I just really didn’t agree with who said relationships in that community could be dangerous. I respect everyone’s opinion, but I still agree with my response.

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